Thursday 2 February 2012

What is History?

By Louise, Caithlin and Katie B.

What is History?
History is the study of the past. The people who study history are called historians. History is not just the study of battles or important people, it also is the study of the lives of normal people and the way they lived their life.

What is Pre-history?
Pre-history is the study of the past before writing was used. Archaeologists find out how these people lived by examining their objects e.g. their tools and weapons.

This is information used to influence people’s opinions. For example, television advertisements.

Bias is a one-sided view of something. It is favouring one side of a story over another. Newspapers can often be very bias.
What is a source?

A source is an object that can help historians find out about what happened in the past. It can be anything written (for example, a book or diary) or anything spoken (a speech) Objects such as jewellery and clothes may often be used
What is a primary source?

What is a primary source?
A primary source is a source that comes directly from the past (for example, a diary). Diaries are a record of what happened during that time. Photographs are another primary source because you cannot take the same picture twice, it captures a specific moment in time.

 What is a secondary source?
A secondary source does not directly from the past. It was written afterwards by somebody who was not directly involved (for example, a history book or documentary).

Ways in which we measure periods of history:

  1. Decade: A decade is ten years.
  2. Century: A century is one hundred years.
  3. Millennium: A millenium is one thousand years.

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