Thursday 2 February 2012


Becky and Nicole G
Newgrange was built between 2675 BC and 2485 BC.  The passage of Newgrange  is over 19 metres long and the chamber is 6 metres high. Newgrange is in Co. Meath. It is older than the pyramids in Egypt. the walls are made from standing stones , some of the stones were brought from Wicklow , over 60 kilometres away . It could have taken 400 men and over 16 years to build.

Many of the stones along the passage and in the chamber were decorated with spirals, circle and diamond patterns. The most dramatic decoration is on the huge stone at the entrance of the tomb.

The roof is an extension of the walls. Each layer of the wall is placed slightly inside the ones below, overlapping until they meet at a single stone in the centre, making a cone effect. This is called a corbelled roof. After 4,500 years there are no leaks in the roof at Newgrange

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